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Dongguan eed electronics co., LTD

Contact: Fengyun Jia

Mobile: 13318836298

Plane: 0769-81812522

Fax: 0769-86289711

Q Q: 244653578

E-mail: 244653578@qq.com

National Service: 400-0113298

Address: Dongguan Shijie water south industrial area south three home Ren


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Viewpoint of this week: this week is the first trading week, the gem index and electronic index are dazzling, rising by
VentureBeat, a US technology news website, quoted industry figures as saying that China has surpassed the United States
1. Low temperature operationWhen the product is used in low temperature environment, Dongguan Mini toggle switch, such a
Introduction of RNs electronic centrifugal switch1、 What is an electronic centrifugal switch?Electronic centrifugal swit

TEL:0769-81812522 81815538
E-mail:24465 3578@qq.com

Contact: Feng Yunjia 13527939888 
Alibaba: http://dgtesaihao.1688.com/

Address: Dongguan Shijie water south industrial area south three home Ren


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